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 In voorraad: This is Elvis Presley
THIS IS ELVIS PRESLEY Vol.1 maakt deel uit van de 2012 Anniversary herdenking, geproduceerd door Newbury Press voor Elvis fans die meer willen weten over hun held.

De productie van deze set duurde 3 jaar en dit audioboek bevat momenten in Elvis' leven die tot nu amper aan bod kwamen. Na zeer gedetailleerde research en goedgekeurd door Joe Esposito, zal deze set de meest veeleisende fan kunnen boeien. Elk volume (4 in totaal) bevat 6 CDs. Volume 1 behandelt de volgende onderwerpen:


King Creole and the 10th floor of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel

U.S. Army Induction and the “Threeteens”

Joe Esposito, Kissin' Cousins and the President's Daughter

Drug Enforcement Badge

"Without A Song"

Billboard reacts to "Heartbreak Hotel"

Eddie Bond and the Hi Hat Club

The Radiator Shop that Sam Bought

Grenada, Elvis and the Stamp

Comeback Special Sitting at Elvis’ Feet

A $ 2.5 million Hawaiian Special and a Satellite

The Phoenix Jumpsuits, Ashes and Rebirth

The Jerry Weintraub Scarf Situation

The Benefit and the $108,860 Check

Elvis, the “Louisiana Colonel”

The Story about Elvis’ Black Belts

Saints, Singers and Saint Jude

The House on Hillcrest Road

Mrs. Oleta Grimes and “Old Shep”

The Godfather of Soul and the King's Use of Capes

Roy Orbison Seeing Elvis on Stage

Vegas and the King

Martin Scorcese and the Elvis on Tour Movie

The Tour Production and The Air Force Arrives

Elvis' '73 Lincoln Continental

Homecoming Deception

The Graceland Mansion

Elvis and the Robert Vesco Plane

Milton Berle and the Pan Letters

The "Hound Dog" Show

The Elvis Continentals
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Gepubliceerd: 24 augustus 2012, 16:53
Bron: / Gepubliceerd door: ElvisMatters - David Hamal .
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